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Dance Leadership Courses at Freedom

At Freedom, we’re proud to offer some fantastic opportunities for our members to strengthen their dance knowledge and ability. We’ve teamed up with Leadership Skills Foundation to be able to offer Level 1 and Level 2 Dance Leadership certifications on a 10-month program.

Upon completion of the program, dancers will obtain an official Dance Leadership certificate from Leadership Skills Foundation, as well as vital knowledge and experience that will help them within the industry, their careers and their personal lives.

Freedom funds £640 per learner for tutoring and qualification, you only pay a one-off £50 enrolment fee.

All of the information you need is here below, but if you have any questions please get in touch!

Dance Leadership Level 1 & 2 

Course term runs annually from the start of October until the end of July.

Applicant Criteria (required):
  • Member of Freedom Studios
  • At least 12 years of age by the end of the application year for Level 1, and at least 13 years of age for Level 2.
  • Commitment to being available for course delivery and weekly tutored sessions.

Level 1 – Once qualified, you will be able to assist in leading safe, purposeful, and enjoyable dance sessions under direct supervision.

Level 2 – Once qualified, you will be able to assist in leading safe, purposeful, and enjoyable dance sessions under indirect supervision.

This course will enable you to:
  • Establish leadership skills (Level 1) and develop leadership skills (Level 2).
  • Be able to plan, assist in leading and review dance sessions (Level 1) and be able to plan, lead and evaluate dance sessions (Level 2).
  • Be able to lead dance activities which promote a healthy lifestyle (Level 1) and assist in planning and leading a dance activity event (Level 2).
  • Be capable of using music and stimulus in dance (Level 1) and use movement and music in dance choreography (Level 2).
  • Be able to lead dance activity sessions independantly (Level 2).
5 Key Skills you will learn:
  • Problem Solving
  • Self-management
  • Teamwork
  • Self-belief
  • Communication
The course will:
  • Help you gain confidence and self-assurance.
  • Give you experience within the dance industry and within your community.
  • Equip you with experience needed for the next stage of your learning, the Level 2 Dance Leadership course (Level 1)
  • Equip you with experience needed for the next stage of your learning, a potential apprenticeship/employment (Level 2).

Leadership Skills Foundation have created over 1 million leaders through their qualifications, this is what those leaders have said:

  • 98% improved their communication skills
  • 96% learnt to work in a team.
  • 94% believed they were more employable.
  • 78% said it helped get their first job.
  • 87% inspired to get more people engaged.
  • 83% wanted to more in the community.


If you are interested in applying for our 2024/2025 cohort, please express your interest to us and watch this space for the application window opening.


How much does it cost?

If you are successful in your application, there will be a one-off £50 enrolment fee to set up your account with Leadership Skills Foundation and register you onto the relevant course. The tutoring and qualification certificate (if successfully completed) is partially funded by Freedom Studios. Freedom funds £640 per learner for tutoring and qualification. There are no hidden fees.

What if I'm sick or on holiday?

We recommend not missing more than four missed classes over the duration of the course. If you miss more than four classes, you may struggle to keep up with the course delivery and completing the qualification. Please communicate all holidays and sickness absences with us, so we can support you with information you miss from tutoring sessions.

What happens when I complete the Level 1 or Level 2 qualification?

You will receive an official Leadership Skills Foundation qualification certificate for Dance Leadership. If you have completed Level 1, you can stop there or go on to complete our Level 2 Dance Leadership Course, after completing Level 2 you have the potential of being offered an apprenticeship or employment with Freedom Studios.

Once you have completed Level 1, you can lead dance classes under supervision. After completing Level 2, you can lead dance classes unsupervised.